Thursday, September 24, 2009


Welcome To sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine
Medicine allows its practitioners the unique opportunity—the privilege—to deliver to people what is their fundamental human right: health care. This is what drew me to medical school, and I was thrilled to find like-minded classmates who were passionate about international health and eager for exper ... Cambodia is where good malaria drugs go to die. At least that's what the latest news– that partial artemisinin resistance has been detected in western Cambodia– seems to suggest. The drug had, to this point, been considered the 'silver bullet' for treating malaria. Used in collaboration with other d ... Is it safe to take Malaria medication and go diving? According to the Centers for Disease Control, four kinds of malaria can infect humans: Plasmodium falciparum (plaz-MO-dee-um fal-SIP-a-rum), P. vivax (VIGH-vacks), P. ovale (o-VAHL-ley), and P. malariae (muh-LAIR-ee-uh). Where Does Malaria Happen? ... The Lancet publishes new findings that show a reduction of 30% in babies under 12 months using an approach recommended by the WHO, but few African countries have adopted it. |Malaria, WHO recommendations reduce mortality rates in babies under 12 months. One third (30%) of malaria cases can be avoide ...

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